Event Star: Multipurpose Event & Conference WordPress Theme

Event Star is a Multipurpose Event & Conference Management WordPress Theme with vast possibilities and features. Whether you are just going to organize a single event or you are running an event/conference management company, the Event Star theme can give you measureless possibilities to win your customers over online. Feature Slider with a countdown timer, Event Count Down Widget, and Event Schedule features make the theme outstanding and perfectly suited for event management agencies or single event management. The theme has a highly customized option and advanced widget option which lets your website stay unique and beautiful. We had already worked hard to create easily customizable options for the ease of theme users even with no coding knowledge. As the theme is fully responsive and Its SEO-friendly nature helps your business to stick with the best ranking on Google. About/Service, Event Schedule, Speakers/Team, FAQ/Accordion, Gallery/Upcoming events, Testimonial, Blog, Contact Us section, and Footer widgets make this theme Multipurpose WordPress Theme. Event Star theme can use for Business, Corporate, or Blog sites as well.
Event Star Unique Features
Built for Event/Conference Management
Suitable for managing event and conference online, single event or event/conference management agencies
Multipurpose WordPress Theme
One page or Multiple page ready, Event, Conference, Business, Corporate, Blog or any kinds of site you wish.
Advanced Custom Widgets
10+ Custom Widgets for every necessary sections for you sites with advanced designs & controls options.
Page Builder Compatible
Compatible with Popular Page Builder like Page Builder by Site Origin Plugin. Custom Page template is also available.
WooCommerce Ready
Sell your event tickets, services or products using WooCommerce plugin. Run full phase Event Management Company.
One Page Ready
Whether you are going to create one page and multiple page site, the theme is ready. You will get one page menu options on menus and widgets.
Made with Widgets
Event Star theme is widget based theme. You can add 10+ available widgets or custom widgets from plugin on Front Page and Inner pages, Completely drag and drop.
Made with Page
No need to worry about data lost sine the theme use page. Just select the available page on the widgets and customizer to make the whole site.
Repeater Fields
A new era introduced on widgets and customizer. You can select the unlimited number of section and slider on Widgets and Feature Sliders.
Unlimited Slider
By the concept of repeater, you can use unlimited number of sliders on your site. Select Page, drag and drop reorder.
Unlimited Pages on Section
No any restrictions for pages on every section made by widgets. Ad any number of pages on each section available on the theme.
Featured Slider with Time Count Down
Awesome Feature Section with the ability to date time input. It show your Event Count Down on Feature Section.
Slider Options
Easily manage the slider section with lots of slider options, including repeater field, slider text alignment, hide text on slider etc.
Responsive or Full Screen Slider Image
Responsive image or Full Screen Slider background image for slider. You can choose one of them which is suitable for you.
About/Service Section Widget
AT About/Service Widget help to show your company details or services your company offers.
Event Count Down Widget
Display Recent Event or Feature Event on countdown to notify your online visitors on your site.
Event Schedule Widget
Display Program Schedule by date or time, speakers details with details explanation.
Speakers/Team Widget
Create Speakers section easily with custom Widgets built in theme. The widget can be use to crate you team section as well.
Accordion/FAQ Section
Show Frequently Ask Query or other information on your website with the help of this theme.
Gallery/Upcoming Event Section
You can showcase all your achievements, portfolios and important moments,photo gallery or upcoming events via this section.
Testimonial Section
Show your online presence and thought of your clients on your site via built in testimonial section.
Blog/News Section
Advanced blog section will help to show the recent news or blog, with different options to select category. columns etc.
Contact Section
You can use AT Contact Widget to make the contact section either in home page or inner pages. You need to use contact form 7 to make the contact form.
Header Options
Menu, Social icons, Notice can be managed from header area. You have full control over that.
Footer Options & Widgets
Footer section comes with Footer Widgets, Copyright text and Social Icons or Menu. Manage footer section easily from customizer.
Advanced Logo Options
Add you own logo from the theme option and display with site title, site description or both on your site.
Home/Front Page
You have full control of customizing the front page with drag / drop / reorder widgets and theme options. Create your Awesome Landing Page.
Header Image
Applied to the slider background image on home/front page and header images of inner pages.
Custom Sidebar Areas
The theme have 7+ custom sidebars areas for managing/designing the contents on Home page, sidebars and footer.
Copyright Text
You can enter custom copyright text in the footer area from the theme options.
Layout/Design Controls
Sidebar options with left, right, no sidebar on home page and inner pages.
Home/Front Page Content
You can easily hide the front page content or blog content of front page, and how the Home Main Content area widget only.
Colors Options
You can easily change the primary color, header top color, background color, Footer top and bottom Background Color.
Background Image
Make your site background awesome. You can add any background image with different advanced options in your site.
Breadcrumb Option
Through the theme options you can enable/disable to show breadcrumb in the site.
Search Placeholder
Write you own placeholder text for search field.
Social Media Integration
Added all social media icons that is available on font awesome.
Theme Options
This theme have all above options and also have other options. Check it in Appearance => Customize
Translation Ready
Theme is translation ready. You can change your theme on your own language.
Browser Compatibility
Theme is compatible with all major browser. No problem which browser is user using.
Theme is compatible with all types of devices. Theme auto works on all devices.