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How to Optimize Images For WordPress? – Image Optimization Guide

how to optimize image

According to the HTTP Archive report, images make up on average 21% of a total webpage’s weight. Along with the text, images are the most important elements of a website. Search engines like Google also rate text content with images better than content without images. But, you should definitely deal with the optimization of images on your website as part of the optimization of your website as a whole. But are you using an image on your website in the right way? or just randomly upload it on your site? You might be missing an important image optimization task.  In this article, we are going to explain “Image Optimization for WordPress Website” in detail. 6 Image Optimization Techniques You Must […]

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What is Duplicate Content (Plagiarism) & How To Be Safe?

what is duplicate Content on Website

Have you ever checked your content on your website that it is 100% organic? Organic content tends to be unique that is written from scratch by ourselves. But sometimes, knowingly and unknowingly, our site might be affecting by duplicate content issues resulting in low traffic. Although Google does not strictly apply a penalty on the duplicate content issue, this is one of the reasons for downranking our site. The ultimate aim of a search engine is to give the best results to the users. So, you need to keep your website content “duplicate content” free in order to maximize the website’s performance. In this article, we are going to explain in detail about duplicate content. We will be covering the […]

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10 SEO Errors of WordPress Websites – Acme Blog

SEO Errors of wordpress websites

SEO Errors of WordPress Websites WordPress powers more than a quarter website in the world. And the number is growing day by day. It is super easy to build any type of website with WordPress. Especially with the use of amazing plugins like Gutentor, you can create any type of website in a matter of an hour. There is no doubt that WordPress is great for building websites. But building a website only does not make any sense. We need to build it in a way that people could easily find it on the internet. Also, we need to build sites in such a way that search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing love it. For this, we need to […]

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