Changing header tagline color and other text color and adding a sidebar - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Online Shop Changing header tagline color and other text color and adding a sidebar

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  • #25014

    Hey there ppl =]…

    I just started exploring the Online Shop theme, and everything is doing great, except for 2 things: i’d like to change the color of the text on my website and also would like to have a left sided sidebar…

    On this screenshot you can see the text i want to change color… i selected part of it so when it’s highlitedyou guys can see the text… How do i make this text to become white?

    And i already selected all the options to have a left sided sidebar, but it never appears… what do i do?

    Thank you for the help =]

    Acme Themes


    Can you please share you site url.

    1. We will try to provide you custom CSS for changing color
    2. Where you selected the Left sidebar, there are various section for Left Sidebar like Front Page, Archive Pages, Single Post and Page, Shop and Single Product Page.

    Best Regards!
    Acme Themes


    Sure! my site url is

    I’ll check it out for more options and see if i can make the sidebar appear…

    Thank you for the help =]


    Update: I selected the left sidebar option on all sections, like front page, single product pages, and so on, and i still cant see that…

    i wanted to change my previous answer but i couldn’t find the edit option… sorry for replying again the same topic

    Acme Themes


    1. Please use the following custom CSS for changing color of the text

    .single .entry-content{

    2. You have left sidebar

    Manectric EX – 23/119 – Força Fantasma

    Best Regards
    Acme Themes

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