Contact page: how to change the background image? - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Corporate Plus Contact page: how to change the background image?

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  • #21150

    Sorry, I just tried but it doesn’t work.
    I still get the original image.

    in addition, now the slider text block at homepage is no more centered!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by dsl25.

    We are worried about why options to add an image for contact section background is not working.
    Now, if you want to change the image via child theme, you need to copy widget to the child theme and you need to edit some line of codes.
    You must know some codes of parent and child theme. In child theme, ge_stylesheet_directlry_uri instead of get_template_directory_uri. So first check codes works.
    So, we recommend you to check options meticulously instead of working with codes.
    Let us know


    I just checked again and this option doesn’t work in customizer.
    I can add an image for contact form but it’s not loaded.

    For the remaining about the widget, sorry but I really don’t understand what you are talking about…
    Check options? Which options?
    ge_stylesheet_directlry_uri – where is that?

    For my child theme functions.php I only copied the code from your own page here:

    Child Themes and Its Importance


    If you are not familiar with codes, you need to hire the developer for it.


    OK, bye, bye…


    Thank You

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