Forum Replies Created
Virginie HUBERT
Still big troubles on my website after that work:
– I delete all the WordPress files by FTP.
– I reinstall WordPress from scratch.
– I add the Updraft Plus plugin, and restore all the necessary files, themes, databases, plugins, files etc.
– I delete the old Mercantile Pro v2, and install Mercantile Pro v3.0.4
– Still impossible to access the customize zone.
– I deactivate ALL the plugins.
And I still have the message ERR-TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS on the home page, impossible to access /wp-admin. But We can go in the inside pages, and navigate from there (but not on the homepage).
Any idea to fix that?
I don’t wan’t to migrate to Jimdo or Wix!!
Thanks for your help,Virginie Hubert
Virginie HUBERT
ParticipantIs it possible to do that:
– unzip the last version theme file
– uploadlig the files with FTP, replacing the old folder of the theme?
Thank you!Virginie HUBERT
ParticipantI just receive this message from my website (sorry, in French):
Si votre site semble cassé ou si vous ne pouvez pas accéder à votre tableau de bord normalement, WordPress dispose maintenant d’un « mode de récupération ». Cela vous permet de vous connecter en sécurité sur votre tableau de bord afin de chercher la source du problème.
Pour garder votre site en sécurité, ce lien expirera dans 1 jour. Ne vous inquiétez cependant pas : un nouveau lien vous sera envoyé si l’erreur se présente à nouveau.
Si vous cherchez de l’aide pour ce problème, les informations suivantes pourraient vous être demandées :
WordPress version 6.1.1
Thème actif : MercantilePro (version 1.1.1)
Extension actuelle : (version )
PHP version 8.1.16Détails de l’erreur
Une erreur de type E_ERROR a été causée dans la ligne 127 du fichier /homepages/39/d606057707/htdocs/ Message d’erreur : Uncaught TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, string given in /homepages/39/d606057707/htdocs/
Stack trace:
#0 /homepages/39/d606057707/htdocs/ in_array(5, ”)
#1 /homepages/39/d606057707/htdocs/ Mercantile_portfolio_filter->form(Array)
#2 /homepages/39/d606057707/htdocs/ WP_Widget->form_callback(Array)
#3 /homepages/39/d606057707/htdocs/ wp_widget_control(Array, Array)
#4 /homepages/39/d606057707/htdocs/ WP_Customize_Widgets->get_widget_control(Array)
#5 /homepages/39/d606057707/htdocs/ WP_Customize_Widgets->get_available_widgets()
#6 /homepages/39/d606057707/htdocs/ WP_Customize_Widgets->enqueue_scripts(”)
#7 /homepages/39/d606057707/htdocs/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
#8 /homepages/39/d606057707/htdocs/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#9 /homepages/39/d606057707/htdocs/ do_action(‘customize_contr…’)
#10 {main}
thrownVirginie HUBERT
ParticipantIf you want to understand more clearly the issue, please visit the screencast:
Thank you,
VirginieVirginie HUBERT
ParticipantThe link is
Virginie HUBERT
Well, indeed the feature image is showing in the article itself, but it was not my issue.
The featured images are not showing in the AT Post Columns, on the main page, as you can see in the screencast I send in my previous message.
Is there a way to fix it?
Thanks or your help,Virginie
Virginie HUBERT
Well, indeed the feature image is showing in the article intself, but it was not my issue.
The featured images are not showing in the AT Post Columns, on the main page, as you can see in the screencas :
I ther a way to fix it?
Thanks or your help,Virginie
Virginie HUBERT
Did you find how to fix that issue?
Do you need more datas?
Thanks a lot!!!Virginie
Virginie HUBERT
ParticipantAny news about my problem?
Virginie HUBERT
ParticipantThank you! My webmaster send you everything now 🙂
Virginie HUBERT
ParticipantBetter than a screenshot, a screncast !
thank you for your help,Virginie
Virginie HUBERT
ParticipantHere is my URL :
Thanks for your help!Virginie
Virginie HUBERT
The HTML code for the autoesponder form is here: (in a txt file).
We try to embed it in a HTML widget, but the widget tells us there are errors in it (that is not correct, we can use the HTML in normal pages without any troubles).
Waiting for your help,
Best regards,Virginie
Virginie HUBERT
I was not clear in my question: actually I’d like to embed an “Aweber-like” autoresponder form, not a contact form 7 item.
Do you have a way to do it?
Thank you for your help,Virginie
Virginie HUBERT
ParticipantThank you! It’s working perfectly well now 🙂
Best regards,Virginie