Where within CSS code does it go? - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Education Base Where within CSS code does it go?

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    Below is the conversation about changing text color and size within Education base.

    Can you please tell me exactly where within the CSS do I put the programming you provided?

    Before and after which section please.
    I don’t want to break the CSS by putting it in the wrong spot of the code.


    How do I change the text color throughtout the website?
    Also, how to change the size of regular content text?
    And to change the text link colors?

    Most of the options are available on the premium version theme Education Base Pro.
    Or you can try following custom CSS.

    .entry-content p, li {
    color : #000;
    color: blue;

    Best Regards!
    Acme Themes

    Acme Themes

    Hello ,

    Please go to Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS
    and paste the code at the last of any text there.

    The CSS code will not break down the site. If you think its not good you can just remove the CSS. It will not harm your site.

    Best Regards!
    Acme Themes

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