Selected Author info - Acme Themes

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  • #21410

    Hello, is it possible to display/hide the author’s bio field on a post if the field is blank? I want to have a general author account that doesn’t display on the article. But display other’s bios


    Dear gasmas75,
    Managing author section is only available on the premium version. You can check theme docs of free theme to know the available features and it’s use. If you want to know the difference between free and pro, please check here.

    Thank youd


    Hello, I’m using the PRO version. I already activated the Author Bio section. My question was if it’s possible to hide the bio section on authors that doesn’t have bio info


    Hello gasmas75,
    There are no such options to hide the author bio based on the information. If you have limited author page where you want to hide the author bio, please let us know we will provide you the custom css for it. If you have lots of pages to do that, it takes some hard work and theme customization.

    Thank you

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