Continue reading acmeblog tag - Acme Themes Best Premium and Free Responsive WordPress Themes Thu, 06 Apr 2017 10:36:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Continue reading acmeblog tag - Acme Themes 32 32 100683744 "Continue Reading" link to appear with Read More Tag Sat, 08 Oct 2016 14:53:06 +0000 Hi, I am refering to Travelling Freelancer’s question as I also like to add something that says “Continue Reading” at the end of the text. As you recommended I tried to “Please paste the below code on ‘template-parts/content.php’ below the line 43. i.e. below the code acmeblog_blog_content_layout(); … Unfortunately in my ‘template-parts/content.php’ is no such […]

The post "Continue Reading" link to appear with Read More Tag appeared first on Acme Themes.


I am refering to Travelling Freelancer’s question as I also like to add something that says “Continue Reading” at the end of the text.

As you recommended I tried to “Please paste the below code on ‘template-parts/content.php’ below the line 43. i.e. below the code acmeblog_blog_content_layout(); …

Unfortunately in my ‘template-parts/content.php’ is no such line acmeblog_blog_content_layout();. It is also not in any other line. Do you mind to give me a hint, if something changed in the theme and where I do have to paste “<p>“>Read More</p>” to?

Thank you very much in advance

The post "Continue Reading" link to appear with Read More Tag appeared first on Acme Themes.
