WordPress 301 Redirect – A Step by Step Ultimate Guide

301 Redirect WordPress

For a website, there are various HTTPS Status Codes used for different purposes. Below are the HTTPS status code categories: 100s – Informational 200s – Success 300s – Redirection 400s – Client Error 500s – Server Error Among the above-listed status codes, we are talking about 300s – Redirection. There are different types of redirects such as 301 redirects, 302 redirects, 307 redirects, etc. However, to be precise in the topic, we are discussing 301 redirects in this article. I am going to cover all the topics related to “WordPress 301 Redirect“. We will cover – What are the 301 redirects? Why do you need 301 redirects? When to create 301 redirects? and How to create 301 redirects in WordPress? […]

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